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Create a unique party for your child: cooking together with friends, baking her/his favorite cake and sharing an exceptional experience

If your child doesn't care for cake or has always dreamed to learn how to make fresh pasta, we can work on a different recipe and offer a customized party

Birthday Parties run for 2 hours and include:

​Baking and decorating a birthday cake for your child

Cooking fun and healthy snacks 

Making a recipe card each guest can bring home



Package #1 | $400 | Up to 6 Children​​

1 cooking teacher 

Cooking class &  activities

Recipe cards for all the kids

Cooking certificates for all the kids

A birthday cake and snacks for all

Package #2 | $700 | Up to 12 Children

2 cooking teachers

​Cooking class &  activities

Recipe cards for all the kids

Cooking certificates for all the kids

2 birthday cakes and snacks for all

Terms and conditions

  • Our Birthday Party Package #1 is designed for up to 6 kids. If you wish to invite more guests, we recommend our Birthday Party Package #2 that is designed for up to 12 kids but please note that your guests will be divided into 2 groups each lead by a cooking instructor

  • A deposit of $250 is required to reserve your preferred date and time subject to availability. This deposit is non-refundable within 30 days of your event

  • If not hosted in your house, Kids Cook Eat reserves the right to pre-approve the party location prior to the event as some venues may not be suitable

  • A final headcount and any add-on requests required 2 weeks prior to the event

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