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Kids Cook Eat was founded by Felicie Borredon. 

Felicie is the mother to three daughters, Esther, Ada and Eugénie


Born and raised in Paris, France, Felicie has traveled the world with her family.


When she moved to Los Angeles, she decided to create healthy and fun cooking classes for young children. She has adapted classic recipes for kids and keeps her classes small to make sure kids are closely mentored and empowered to follow recipes from start to finish, including planting, picking, chopping, cooking and eating. 

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We believe that exposing young children to a variety of ingredients is key to their development.

Using fresh vegetables and fruits in our classes, we explore various cooking methods to expose young ones to healthy and balanced meals.

In Kids Cook Eat classes, children don't just help out while the teacher is cooking. They are in charge of making the dish. This responsibility is directly inspired by the work of Maria Montessori.


We believe children can cook at a very young age. Our youngest students are three years old.

Each student will learn to peel, cut and mix ingredients, gaining essential knowledge. They all take great pride in accomplishing “grown-up” tasks and being trusted with kitchen tools.

Kids Cook Eat welcomes students who are already foodies and want to learn how to cook real recipes. We also embrace kids who are less adventurous and encourage them to broaden their horizons and try new tastes.

Cooking is about trusting yourself and feeling confident enough to explore the unknown.

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